Thank You Note
Happy World Doula Week!
As the years go by more and more people are choosing doulas to accompany them during pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood. Whether it be your best friend or the duchess herself, doulas are getting two thumbs up for playing an important, supportive role during this huge life transition. But the work that we do wouldn’t be possible if people didn’t invite us in and give us the incredible privilege of witnessing their families grow.
We would like to extend these words of gratitude to the families we have served.
Dear ones,
Thank you for trusting us with your deepest hopes and worries while you grew your baby. Whether it is wanting them to have a full head of hair to wishing the nausea would end so that you can get on with your week, we are glad you let us know.
Thank you for letting us see your vulnerability and strength and showing us how these two facets of life coexist so beautifully. For letting us laugh and cry along with you in the intimate, triumphant moments of your journey to parenthood.
And to the partners and loved ones, thank you for allowing us to protect your bond and hold you up while you do the crucial work of supporting the one you love while they labour.
Thank you for solidifying our belief that the decisions made in pregnancy and birth are personal, complicated, and best left up to you. Your family story is unique, from start to finish, and you never cease to amaze us in this.
Thank you for reminding us why we love middle of the night calls. It’s such a thrill to witness triumph and love as your baby joins us earthside. Watching you marvel at your creation feels like nothing else on earth. And it never gets old!

This is how good it feels to get called to a birth.
Thank you for letting us into your homes to teach you about the nitty gritty of birth AND the undeniable magic of it all. Thanks for asking us the questions you were nervous to ask, offering us new perspectives and listening to us excitedly talk about the placenta.
Thank you for trusting us with your newborns and letting us bounce and sing to them. Thanks for allowing us to soak in your cuddly, squishy babies while we tidy up after sending you to bed.
Thank you for allowing us to help nourish you and your family as you get to know your new baby.
We have witnessed amazing transitions of all kinds this year: people overcoming circumstances beyond their control, people making it look easy to push out a baby, partners hand feeding fruit to new moms, rainbow babies casting their fresh light and love over their parents, and older siblings tenderly touching and taking in their new baby.

Jenny getting her squish on with a very yummy client.
We truly have the greatest service job on earth, and we have you, our clients and their loved ones, to thank.
It is an honour and a privilege. We are grateful AF.