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42 search results for: ask a


The 50th Percentile and Other Mythical Creatures

Average. Normal. NOT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for yelling, it’s just that pregnancy and new parenthood are such fragile times already without adding fear about our bodies or babies not being average. If care providers could just give a little context around percentiles and other markers of averageness, folks might not be so freaked out! Naturally […]


Prenatal Yoga In The Old Port

Our friends at Yoga Vieux Montreal are running a 7 week prenatal yoga course! It’s a great deal and you get an extra 20% off by mentioning that Two Doulas sent you. So sign up and get that yoga glow. Did I mention that it starts tomorrow?! I have had a crazy week of babies and lice. […]


The Two Doulas Guide to Breast Pumps

Breast pumps. Two words you likely never uddered before you got pregnant. (Yes, that was a terrible pun. Sorry not sorry.) Now that you’re growing a baby – or you’ve just brought home a fresh one – those two little words are featured rather prominently in your vocabulary, amirite? But, what’s the deal with breast […]


Bring Food!

Lee and I love food. We love to make it, eat it, and share it! In fact, whenever we Two Doulas do any postpartum doula work we always bring the new family something to eat. That’s why we are sharing some of our favourite nourishing dishes we make for our own families (and for you, if you’re a […]



It’s rough out there. From the minute you start to show, to the day your child moves out (or maybe longer – we don’t know, we’re not there yet), we’re bombarded. There is a seemingly endless onslaught of parenting advice, opinions and tips. Before the baby comes: They say: You can’t eat that! You’re pregnant! No deli meats. […]


What Makes A Baby: The Giveaway

“But I don’t understand. How does the baby get in to the uterus?” The truth is, when your adorable progeny asks the question it can be very awkward and seem to come out of the blue. Some of us stumble. For those of you who’d prefer the talk didn’t go as badly as it did for Lee, […]


Do as I say not as I did: Postpartum lessons I learned the hard way

My youngest daughter turned two this week, which got me thinking about her birth and more specifically, about how my postpartum period was so much easier the second time around. After she was born, I spent a month parked on my couch (or in bed), wearing pyjamas, napping, eating, feeding her, and marvelling at how […]


Howdy Partner, Inclusive Language Is So Two Doulas

I was recently asked about why I’ve been using “partner,” “pregnant person” and the singular “they” as my default terms in both speech and writing when I talk about birth and families. My response was somewhat clumsy (which is very like me) because I had so many reasons both personal and professional for using language this […]


Childbirth: A Family Affair

The first birth I ever attended took place on September 25, 1994. I wasn’t there in any professional capacity, as I was all of 11 years old. My stepmother had a home birth attended by midwives in our rented house in Nanaimo, BC (a town our blended family would live in for less than a year before […]