Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class
Get prepared, get answers, get empowered!
Two things fascinated me when I was pregnant with my first: the hormone dance of labour & the lack of evidence-based information being presented to me.
I wanted to make informed decisions, after all this was my body and baby, and I was going to be making decisions for their well-being for years to come. Shouldn’t that start in pregnancy?
Stages of Labour
Comfort Measures
Evidence Based Care
Overcoming Fears and Anxieties
Navigating the Healthcare System
Providers (Models of Care)
For partners/support people: How to support and advocate
Knowing your Rights
Pain Relief
Newborn Procedures
Baby Care
Starting around 28-32 weeks of pregnancy is ideal. You can take it earlier if you want more time to practice comfort measures. (You may want to consider getting 6 months access to the videos if you take it on the earlier side and want access to the newborn care videos after your baby is born.) Taking the class later will mean the information will be fresher but we never know if baby will arrive before the final class.
There are prerecorded videos to watch every week before we meet. They are in manageable pieces and you can rewatch them as long as you have access.
There are 5 live virtual classes and they are between 1-2 hours depending on the discussion, questions and topic.
The Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class is for people who want to go deeper into their preparation for childbirth, postpartum and newborn care. More tools and techniques are taught in the EBB childbirth class and we cover more information surrounding interventions. If you want something quicker, check out our other prenatal class. If you aren’t sure which to take, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Stages of Labour
Comfort Measures
Evidence Based Care
Overcoming Fears and Anxieties
Navigating the Healthcare System
Providers (Models of Care)
For partners/support people: How to support and advocate
Knowing your Rights
Pain Relief
Newborn Procedures
Baby Care
Starting around 28-32 weeks of pregnancy is ideal. You can take it earlier if you want more time to practice comfort measures. (You may want to consider getting 6 months access to the videos if you take it on the earlier side and want access to the newborn care videos after your baby is born.) Taking the class later will mean the information will be fresher but we never know if baby will arrive before the final class.
There are prerecorded videos to watch every week before we meet. They are in manageable pieces and you can rewatch them as long as you have access.
There are 5 live virtual classes and they are between 1-2 hours depending on discussions, questions and the topic.
The Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class is for people who want to go deeper into their preparation for childbirth, postpartum and newborn care. More tools and techniques are taught in the EBB childbirth class and we cover more information surrounding interventions. If you want something quicker, check out our other prenatal class. If you aren’t sure which to take, don’t hesitate to contact us.