The Two Doulas Must-Have List for Pregnancy
‘Tis the season for wishlists and we at Two Doulas can’t resist a good list. This year we are trying a new kind of Must-Have list.
E is for Engorgement
We are celebrating our group prenatal class with the ABCs of…
It’s summer!!
It’s summer in Montreal! The sun is out or it’s thunder-storming. Where can you go to cool off? Where can you walk with a sleeping baby in a stroller? Where can you take your older child to get out their energy? Here is a mishmash of places to go for Montreal families.
Oxytocin, A True Love Story. The Second Part.
Taking care of a newborn baby is notoriously challenging. Sleep…
Ask an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)
We ask health and wellness professionals the same six questions we always ask. This week, TWO DOULAS talks to International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Melissa Woodward.