Happy Holidays From Two Grinches (Er, Doulas)

A baby after our own hearts.
A baby after our own hearts.

Try as we might to avoid them (and boy do we try), the Holidays are upon us. And in a very special seasonal twist, this year Chanukah and Christmas Eve are on the same day. Oh joy.

Hey! How much do we love Chanukah? Nun! (See what we did there?)
Hey! How much do we love Chanukah? Nun! (See what we did there?)

And while everyone else seems all too happy to trim the tree, light the candles and spend a whole lot of cash on a whole lot of stuff, it can be a stressful time for those of us who lean a little less Chris Cringle and a little more Grinch.

Not Feeling It.
Not Feeling It.

The good news is, there will be plenty of food and wine and hopefully, presents that keep the kids occupied for a least a few hours (we hope).

Wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season, whether it’s one long and difficult day, or eight crazy nights.

Two Doulas xo