What Makes A Baby: The Giveaway

“But I don’t understand. How does the baby get in to the uterus?”

The truth is, when your adorable progeny asks the question it can be very awkward and seem to come out of the blue. Some of us stumble. For those of you who’d prefer the talk didn’t go as badly as it did for Lee, there’s an amazing resource in the form of the book, What Makes A Baby.

This book has the answers.

This book has answers.


What Makes A Baby lovingly and engagingly answers the question that little children have about their origin in a way that doesn’t exclude any person. Cory Silverberg’s simple, sensitive text along with Fiona Smyth’s bright, playful illustrations, make this my favourite book about bodies, babies, and the big big questions on the minds of little little kids, by a MILE (or kilometre, this being Canada and all). And I’ve read quite a few.

Lee and I love this book so much that we want to give our Canadian friends a chance to win there own copy. So we are having a GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

High fives all around


For a chance to win, share your favourite Two Doulas post with your friends on social media and tell us in the comments section below (in this blog post, not on Facebook please) how old you were when you asked your grownups about what makes a baby. Feel free to add some context if you like, we love these stories!

Participants must be in Canada and 18 years or older.

The draw will be on Wednesday, June 22, at 12:00 EST.

Edit: WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! Genee Latreille is the new owner of this wonderful book! Thanks to all who participated. Happy reading!

4 replies
  1. Sheena
    Sheena says:

    I never had to ask, My mom was a sex Ed teacher and was more than happy to share ALL the details before I was old to enough to have any idea what she was yacking about!

    • Jenny Gold
      Jenny Gold says:

      Lucky you? You have something in common with the author, Cory Silverberg, who is the child of a sex educator and a children’s librarian!

  2. Genee Latreille
    Genee Latreille says:

    I was around 4 when I asked about babies, and was introduced to the delightful 1970s classic “Where Do I Come From?”. Apparently around this time, I also developed a fondness for announcing to strangers in public that “I have a vagina!” #feminist4life

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